Join the Club

Become a member...

Club memberships are handled by MotorsportsReg. By clicking the button above, you will be directed to the MSR page for SCCR membership. Purchase the annual membership to become a club member for the current season. If you do not have an account with MSR you will be asked to create one. This is our preferred method of joining, however, if you do not have the ability to sign up with MSR then you can send a check to Sports Car Club of Rockford for $60.00 for a full membership and $30.00 for each associate membership (see below.) Please include name, address, email, other contact info, and a note about yourself. Send to:

SCCR c/o
Lisa Rehberg
1716 Delroy Ave.
Rockford, IL 61109

Full Memberships

The Full Memberships offered by SCCR allows member all the full benefits offered by the club including: ability to earn points toward SCCR or MC racing series championships, ability to pursue competition license, eligible for special awards at our seasonal awards banquet, ability to vote at club meetings and for special awards, receive discounts at SCCR and MC events, receive all of our mailings, participate in social events, automatically become a MC member.

Associate Memberships

The Associate Membership level gives family members and spouses of an SCCR member a way to join in club activities and have a voice in the club. This level is for members that do not compete in racing events and do not have need for MC membership. Associate members are affiliated with a full membership which must be purchased first. You can add the associate membership at the same time as the full membership on MSR.

To add an associate membership to an existing membership you may go back to the MSR membership page and update your membership to add on one or more associate memberships.